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Every time I had a night out or even just catching up with friends, I would end up with a wardrobe full of clothes on my bed and depressed and sometimes I even opted not to go as I just felt pressure of not having anything to wear, and most importantly I didn’t feel good in it.

My Wardrobe: Wow, what a day! To date this would still be one of the most liberating, confronting days I have ever had. It was amazing and words cannot even describe this day accurately. Leading up to the day, I was nervous and if I was to be completely honest, I was a little embarrassed to show Hollie what my wardrobe contained. I had not thrown anything out for a long time. There were tears and raw emotion and I realised that I really had slumped into a cycle of hiding behind baggy clothes and my self- confidence had really diminished over a long period of time.

The Shopping day!!! Initially I was really nervous about it. Traditionally I had always loathed shopping – I now realise why! I had always purchased the same items – most of which didn’t even fit my body shape or even come close to highlighting the positives! Oh, how this changed - Oh what fun we had. I allowed myself to have a budget of around $800 (with some movement!). We walked into a shop where Hollie had done a pre-shop and all the items were hanging waiting for my arrival – every piece of clothing that Hollie had chosen fit perfectly and I just loved them. I felt great and felt like a VIP. I was in the change room whilst Hollie just bought me items and helped me every step of the way! It was truly amazing. The most important lesson I’ve learnt throughout the whole process was that it’s how the garment looks and feels and not the size. My sizes varied depending on what shop but all felt great. I ended up with a lot of garments, a lot of which were discounted which was the theme of the day – we just seemed to get lucky wherever we went which added to the excitement. Hollie also opened my eyes as far as what shops I should go into and not to just assume that nothing would fit etc. and to at least try the garments on.

I found my smile again that day and I was more surprised than anything to actually have enjoyed a shopping day – something that had escaped me previously. I used to get very frustrated with shopping – I now know it was because I was looking at the wrong clothes and that they didn’t make me feel attractive at all.

At the end of that day I modelled every piece of clothing I purchased and Hollie showed me how easy it was to mix and match. I felt fabulous and 10 years younger!

Over the ensuing weeks I was amazed how easily I would make a decision as to what I was going to wear each and every day – whether it would be for work or even school pick up. This was purely because I knew that every piece of clothing in my wardrobe fitted properly, and each and every one made me feel good. There was no more self-doubt, no more throwing clothes on the bed in frustration – this in itself was amazing!!

Other people noticed it too which was unbelievable. A few weeks after this initial shop I had a family function – obviously I wore some of my new garments and I felt fabulous. My brother approached me during the night and just hugged me and told me I looked beautiful. This felt amazing. This had never happened before. He knew nothing of my experience with Hollie and he saw the change in me. He told me I looked happy and walked taller. Obviously I sent Hollie a message straight away!!!

No amount of words can even come close to what Hollie and this experience has done for me and would highly recommend her services to anyone. I am so grateful for the experience and know that I am a better person for having had it. I can finally say goodbye to those insecurities in my little head and more importantly be that person that I want my little girl to be proud of. This has all come about by being shown how to be happy in my own skin and dressing to my strengths, which in turn has made me feel confident again – this is a lesson I could never have taught myself.

And now…. I actually do enjoy shopping! Who would have thought??


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